Commit e49d731b authored by Vladimir Barsukov's avatar Vladimir Barsukov
Browse files

add goccy/json

parent bbac03db
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import (
......@@ -107,12 +110,29 @@ func (d *Pool) NewConns(mode connMode, pgConnString ...string) error {
func (d *Pool) newConn(mode connMode, pgConnString string) (q *conn, err error) {
var pgxPool *pgxpool.Pool
var pgxConfig *pgxpool.Config
if !strings.Contains(pgConnString, "default_query_exec_mode=") {
pgConnString += " default_query_exec_mode=simple_protocol"
if pgxPool, err = pgxpool.New(d.ctx, pgConnString); err != nil {
if pgxConfig, err = pgxpool.ParseConfig(pgConnString); err != nil {
return nil, err
pgxConfig.AfterConnect = func(ctx context.Context, p *pgx.Conn) error {
j := &pgtype.Type{Name: "jsonb", OID: pgtype.JSONBOID, Codec: ztype.JSONBCodec{}}
jb := &pgtype.Type{Name: "json", OID: pgtype.JSONOID, Codec: ztype.JSONCodec{}}
p.TypeMap().RegisterType(&pgtype.Type{Name: "_json", OID: pgtype.JSONArrayOID, Codec: &pgtype.ArrayCodec{ElementType: j}})
p.TypeMap().RegisterType(&pgtype.Type{Name: "_jsonb", OID: pgtype.JSONBArrayOID, Codec: &pgtype.ArrayCodec{ElementType: jb}})
return nil
if pgxPool, err = pgxpool.NewWithConfig(d.ctx, pgxConfig); err != nil {
return &conn{Pool: pgxPool, Alive: false, Mode: mode}, err
package ztype
import (
pgxtype ""
type JSONCodec struct{}
func (JSONCodec) FormatSupported(format int16) bool {
return format == pgxtype.TextFormatCode || format == pgxtype.BinaryFormatCode
func (JSONCodec) PreferredFormat() int16 {
return pgxtype.TextFormatCode
func (c JSONCodec) PlanEncode(m *pgxtype.Map, oid uint32, format int16, value any) pgxtype.EncodePlan {
switch value.(type) {
case string:
return encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatString{}
case []byte:
return encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatByteSlice{}
// Because anything can be marshalled the normal wrapping in Map.PlanScan doesn't get a chance to run. So try the
// appropriate wrappers here.
for _, f := range []pgxtype.TryWrapEncodePlanFunc{
} {
if wrapperPlan, nextValue, ok := f(value); ok {
if nextPlan := c.PlanEncode(m, oid, format, nextValue); nextPlan != nil {
return wrapperPlan
return encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatMarshal{}
type encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatString struct{}
func (encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatString) Encode(value any, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) {
jsonString := value.(string)
buf = append(buf, jsonString...)
return buf, nil
type encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatByteSlice struct{}
func (encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatByteSlice) Encode(value any, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) {
jsonBytes := value.([]byte)
if jsonBytes == nil {
return nil, nil
buf = append(buf, jsonBytes...)
return buf, nil
type encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatMarshal struct{}
func (encodePlanJSONCodecEitherFormatMarshal) Encode(value any, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) {
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf = append(buf, jsonBytes...)
return buf, nil
func (JSONCodec) PlanScan(m *pgxtype.Map, oid uint32, format int16, target any) pgxtype.ScanPlan {
switch target.(type) {
case *string:
return scanPlanAnyToString{}
case *[]byte:
return scanPlanJSONToByteSlice{}
case pgxtype.BytesScanner:
return scanPlanBinaryBytesToBytesScanner{}
return scanPlanJSONToJSONUnmarshal{}
type scanPlanAnyToString struct{}
func (scanPlanAnyToString) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
p := dst.(*string)
*p = string(src)
return nil
type scanPlanJSONToByteSlice struct{}
func (scanPlanJSONToByteSlice) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
dstBuf := dst.(*[]byte)
if src == nil {
*dstBuf = nil
return nil
*dstBuf = make([]byte, len(src))
copy(*dstBuf, src)
return nil
type scanPlanJSONToBytesScanner struct{}
func (scanPlanJSONToBytesScanner) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
scanner := (dst).(pgxtype.BytesScanner)
return scanner.ScanBytes(src)
type scanPlanJSONToJSONUnmarshal struct{}
func (scanPlanJSONToJSONUnmarshal) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
if src == nil {
dstValue := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
if dstValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
el := dstValue.Elem()
switch el.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan NULL into %T", dst)
elem := reflect.ValueOf(dst).Elem()
return json.Unmarshal(src, dst)
func (c JSONCodec) DecodeDatabaseSQLValue(m *pgxtype.Map, oid uint32, format int16, src []byte) (driver.Value, error) {
if src == nil {
return nil, nil
dstBuf := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dstBuf, src)
return dstBuf, nil
func (c JSONCodec) DecodeValue(m *pgxtype.Map, oid uint32, format int16, src []byte) (any, error) {
if src == nil {
return nil, nil
var dst any
err := json.Unmarshal(src, &dst)
return dst, err
type scanPlanBinaryBytesToBytesScanner struct{}
func (scanPlanBinaryBytesToBytesScanner) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
scanner := (dst).(pgxtype.BytesScanner)
return scanner.ScanBytes(src)
package ztype
import (
pgxtype ""
type JSONBCodec struct{}
func (JSONBCodec) FormatSupported(format int16) bool {
return format == pgxtype.TextFormatCode || format == pgxtype.BinaryFormatCode
func (JSONBCodec) PreferredFormat() int16 {
return pgxtype.TextFormatCode
func (JSONBCodec) PlanEncode(m *pgxtype.Map, oid uint32, format int16, value any) pgxtype.EncodePlan {
switch format {
case pgxtype.BinaryFormatCode:
plan := JSONCodec{}.PlanEncode(m, oid, pgxtype.TextFormatCode, value)
if plan != nil {
return &encodePlanJSONBCodecBinaryWrapper{textPlan: plan}
case pgxtype.TextFormatCode:
return JSONCodec{}.PlanEncode(m, oid, format, value)
return nil
type encodePlanJSONBCodecBinaryWrapper struct {
textPlan pgxtype.EncodePlan
func (plan *encodePlanJSONBCodecBinaryWrapper) Encode(value any, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) {
buf = append(buf, 1)
return plan.textPlan.Encode(value, buf)
func (JSONBCodec) PlanScan(m *pgxtype.Map, oid uint32, format int16, target any) pgxtype.ScanPlan {
switch format {
case pgxtype.BinaryFormatCode:
plan := JSONCodec{}.PlanScan(m, oid, pgxtype.TextFormatCode, target)
if plan != nil {
return &scanPlanJSONBCodecBinaryUnwrapper{textPlan: plan}
case pgxtype.TextFormatCode:
return JSONCodec{}.PlanScan(m, oid, format, target)
return nil
type scanPlanJSONBCodecBinaryUnwrapper struct {
textPlan pgxtype.ScanPlan
func (plan *scanPlanJSONBCodecBinaryUnwrapper) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
if src == nil {
return plan.textPlan.Scan(src, dst)
if len(src) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("jsonb too short")
if src[0] != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown jsonb version number %d", src[0])
return plan.textPlan.Scan(src[1:], dst)
func (c JSONBCodec) DecodeDatabaseSQLValue(m *pgxtype.Map, oid uint32, format int16, src []byte) (driver.Value, error) {
if src == nil {
return nil, nil
switch format {
case pgxtype.BinaryFormatCode:
if len(src) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("jsonb too short")
if src[0] != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown jsonb version number %d", src[0])
dstBuf := make([]byte, len(src)-1)
copy(dstBuf, src[1:])
return dstBuf, nil
case pgxtype.TextFormatCode:
dstBuf := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dstBuf, src)
return dstBuf, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown format code: %v", format)
func (c JSONBCodec) DecodeValue(m *pgxtype.Map, oid uint32, format int16, src []byte) (any, error) {
if src == nil {
return nil, nil
switch format {
case pgxtype.BinaryFormatCode:
if len(src) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("jsonb too short")
if src[0] != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown jsonb version number %d", src[0])
src = src[1:]
case pgxtype.TextFormatCode:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown format code: %v", format)
var dst any
err := json.Unmarshal(src, &dst)
return dst, err
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